Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

How do I uninstall SystemModeler?


Programs in Windows can be uninstalled in Windows 10 and previous versions.

To ensure that SystemModeler is completely uninstalled on your computer, remove the following directories as well. Please back up any documents that you want to keep from these directories:

  • C:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\SystemModeler
  • C:\ProgramData\SystemModeler
  • C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\SystemModeler

Here, <user> is your username.

These files may be hidden on your computer. You may need to enable your account to see hidden files.


To uninstall SystemModeler, please remove the following directories. Please back up any documents that you want to keep from these directories:

  • /Applications/SystemModeler.app/
  • /Library/SystemModeler/
  • ~/Library/SystemModeler/
  • ~/.systemmodeler

These files may be hidden on your computer. To navigate to a hidden folder, open the Finder application. Press Cmd + Shift + G to open a file search dialog and enter, for example, “~/Library/SystemModeler/”. Finder opens the hidden folder.


To uninstall SystemModeler, please remove the following directories. Please back up any documents that you want to keep from these directories:

  • /usr/local/Wolfram/SystemModeler/
  • ~/.config/Wolfram/SystemModelerXXX.conf
  • ~/.systemmodeler

Here, XXX is some sequence of 4–6 digits.

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