Installation files for Wolfram products can be downloaded from the User Portal and installed from a USB drive.

Saving Installation Files to USB

  1. Sign in to the User Portal and navigate to My Products and Services.
  2. In the Product column, click the name of the Wolfram product that you would like to save to USB.
  3. At the top of the product information page, click the Get Downloads button.
  4. Click the Download button for the appropriate Wolfram product and platform that you want to save to USB.
  5. Click Start Download.
    • If the product has a Download Manager, wait for the manager to download the installation files to your machine’s default downloads folder. Then move the installation files from the downloads folder to your USB drive.
    • If you are able to download the product’s installation files directly, you can either download them directly to your USB drive or move the files after downloading them to the downloads folder of your local machine.

Installing Wolfram Products from a USB Drive

  1. Insert the USB drive into an available USB port on your computer.
  2. Follow the product- and platform-specific instructions in the Wolfram Research Product Installation Guide.
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