Where can I find documentation for gridMathematica Server and Wolfram Lightweight Grid Manager?
gridMathematica Server
Installation and setup instructions for gridMathematica Server are available for supported operating systems:
Wolfram Lightweight Grid Manager
Documentation for Lightweight Grid Manager is accessible only after installing gridMathematica Server. It is included with the Lightweight Grid Manager web application for the Apache Tomcat server.
To access the in-product documentation, after starting the Lightweight Grid Manager web application, click the Help hyperlink in the upper-right corner of the header bar:
To view the documentation without running Lightweight Grid Manager, navigate to the gridMathematica Server installation directory. The default $InstallationDirectory
- Windows: C:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\gridMathematica Server\14.2
- Mac: /Applications/gridMathematicaServer.app/Contents
- Linux: /usr/local/Wolfram/gridMathematicaServer/14.2
From within the $InstallationDirectory
, navigate to the subdirectory
and open index.html in your web browser.