Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

How do I register custom Python distributions like Anaconda with ExternalEvaluate?

ExternalEvaluate makes it possible to evaluate Python code within a Wolfram Language session using your local Python installation. ExternalEvaluate is able to locate the Python executable in the default Python installation locations, but it may not be able to find executables in custom locations.

Use RegisterExternalEvaluator to make your custom Python installation location known to your Wolfram System. For example, on Windows:

RegisterExternalEvaluator["Python", "C:\\Users\\<username>\\AppData\\Local\\Continuum\\anaconda3\\python.exe"]

Note that the “pyzmq” package must be installed for ExternalEvaluate to communicate with Python. Steps for installing “pyzmq” are described here. Some Python distributions, including Anaconda, ship with “pyzmq” by default.

Once properly registered, the custom Python executable is listed in the table returned by FindExternalEvaluators["Python"].

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