Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

How do I uninstall Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition?


Programs in Windows can be uninstalled in Windows 10 and previous versions.

To ensure that Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition is completely uninstalled on your computer, remove the following directories as well. Please back up any documents that you want to keep from these directories:

  • C:\Program Files\Wolfram Research\Wolfram Alpha Notebook Edition
  • C:\ProgramData\WolframAlphaNB
  • C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Roaming\WolframAlphaNB
  • C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\WolframAlphaNB

Here, <user> is your username.

These files may be hidden on your computer. You may need to enable your account to see hidden files.


To uninstall Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition, please remove the following directories. Please back up any documents that you want to keep from these directories:

  • /Applications/Wolfram Alpha Notebook Edition.app/
  • ~/Library/WolframAlphaNB/

These files may be hidden on your computer. To navigate to a hidden folder, open the Finder application. Press Command + Shift + G to open a file search dialog and enter, for example, “~/Library/WolframAlphaNB/”. Finder opens the hidden folder.


To uninstall Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition, please remove the following directories. Please back up any documents that you want to keep from these directories:

  • /usr/local/Wolfram/WolframAlphaNotebook/
  • /usr/share/WolframAlphaNotebook/
  • ~/.Wolfram|Alpha Notebook Edition/

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