Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

What are the requirements to add single sign-on (SSO) access to a Wolfram product site license?

Single sign-on (SSO) access allows individuals to log in with their institutional credentials to request and gain access to relevant Wolfram products.

Wolfram currently supports SSO access for:

SSO can also be used to access Wolfram services such as the Wolfram User Portal and Wolfram Community.

To be eligible for SSO access, organizations require the following:

  • The organization must have an Unlimited Site license for one or more of the products above.
  • SSO-enabled products must be openly available to all affiliated individuals. The site license must be centrally funded and may not be restricted to a particular department or group of individuals at that organization.
  • The organization’s authentication must use the SAML/Shibboleth protocols.

If you have questions about setting up SSO access at your organization, contact us.


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