Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

What data will be passed along to Wolfram when my organization adds single sign-on (SSO) access to the site license?

Organizations that have enabled single sign-on (SSO) access for their Wolfram product site licenses must provide the following data to configure SSO:

  1. The Identity Provider (IDP) server metadata (either a public URL or the file itself in XML format)
  2. The URL that the users should be redirected to for sign-in
  3. The user metadata keys and their meaning

User Metadata

The following identification data of each user must be passed to Wolfram in order to grant the user access to the product:

  • Unique immutable user identifier
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • User type (e.g. employee/faculty/student/…)

The organization may pass additional data to Wolfram where appropriate.

Wolfram agrees to protect such data as set forth in the Wolfram Privacy Policy.

If you have questions about setting up SSO access at your organization, contact us.


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