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How do I request site activation keys and passwords?

If your Activation Key and Password Authorization setting is set to Always (My Site Licenses > Site Settings > Site Access > Authorization), then all password and activation key requests will be sent to the Site Administrator(s) for approval.

If approved, user will receive a notification email that their activation key will be extended automatically the next time they run their software. If rejected, users will receive a notification email telling saying that the activation key request was rejected. The temporary 15-day activation key will expire, and the software will no longer be usable.

If your Activation Key and Password Authorization setting is set to Sometimes, then activation keys and passwords will only be issued to users who have an authorized email address or whose requests originated from within an authorized IP range. Requests from “non-authorized” users will be sent to the Site Administrator(s) for approval. Users of recent Wolfram products are provided with a temporary activation key that will expire within 15 days if not approved.

Password distribution restrictions may be set up and/or verified through the Wolfram User Portal.

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