Wolfram Computation Meets Knowledge

How do I obtain an activation key or password through a site license?

Comprehensive Sites
Activation keys have been pre-generated for all of the products that have been licensed through your site license and are available for installation. Through the Wolfram User Portal, Site Administrators can assign and send activation keys to users who are allowed access to these products under the site license. When an activation key is assigned and sent to a user, he or she will receive an email containing both the activation key and a link to the User Portal to access the appropriate download files.

If the user is unable to activate online, they should follow the directions in-product to obtain a password.

Activation keys are also available by contacting your local Wolfram Sales Partner or Wolfram Research Customer Service.

Unlimited Sites
Through the Wolfram User Portal, Site Administrators can create and send activation keys to users who are allowed access to these products under the site license. When an activation key is assigned and sent to a user, he or she will receive an email containing both the activation key and a link to the User Portal to access the appropriate download files.

Users also have the option to request their own activation keys through your organization’s Wolfram Activation Key Request Form. They do not need to log into the Portal to access this form.

If the activation key request is from an “authorized” user, they will receive an email containing both the activation key and a link to the User Portal to access the appropriate download files.

If the Site Administrator has chosen to approve all activation key requests, or the request is from a “non-authorized” user, then the request will be sent to the Site Administrator for approval. The user will be provided with a temporary activation key that will expire in 15 days, along with a link to the User Portal to access the appropriate download files. If the request is approved, the user will receive an email notification that the activation key will be extended automatically the next time he or she launches the product. If rejected, the user will receive an email notification that the activation key request was rejected. Their temporary 15-day activation key will expire and the product will no longer be usable.

If the user is unable to activate online, he or she should follow the directions in-product to obtain a password.

Activation keys are also available by contacting your local Wolfram Sales Partner or Wolfram Research Customer Service.

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