
The student discount is available to part-time or full-time primary and secondary students and students working toward an associate’s, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral, or equivalent degree at an accredited educational institution or approved homeschool location. It’s also available to part-time, non-degree-seeking students if required for a class. Proof of student status is required at the time of purchase.

College and University Faculty and Staff

Academic pricing is available to employees of an accredited college or university. The product can be used on your personal computer or a computer that is owned by the institution, but may not be used for commercial purposes. Proof of your employment is required at the time of purchase.

Junior/Community College and Primary/Secondary Faculty and Staff

Educational pricing is available to employees of accredited primary and secondary schools and institutions that award two-year (associate’s) degrees, but not four-year (bachelor’s) degrees. This may include community, junior, technical, and vocational colleges. Homeschool educators are also eligible.

The product can be used on your personal computer or a computer that is owned by the institution, but may not be used for commercial purposes. Proof of your employment or status as a homeschool educator is required at the time of purchase.

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Служба поддержки

с 08:00 до 17:00 по центральному времени США

  • Регистрация или активация продукта
  • Предпродажная информация и заказ
  • Помощь в установке и первом запуске

Расширенная техническая поддержка (для правомочных клиентов)

с 08:00 до 19:00 по центральному времени США

с 08:30 до 10:00 и с 11:00 до 17:00 по центральному времени США

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  • Поддержка по продуктам от экспертов Wolfram
  • Помощь специалистов по программированию на Wolfram Language
  • Расширенная поддержка установки